I thought I would do something a little bit different today and do a round-up of 5 of my favourite posts that I have written. I think I have seen some people do this on their own blogs and I have definitely seen people do 'monthly round-ups' similar to this! However, I do not post nearly enough to make this a monthly feature so I thought I would just cover what I have blogged so far!

First up we have my 101 in 1001 post! This is one of my all time favourites (and yours too according to Google Analytics). I love a good list and after seeing Becky Bedbug write her posts I couldn't not write a list of my own! So far I have crossed off a few things but I am hoping to cross off a lot more soon!
Next we have the photo's I took on my holiday to Thassos, July 2014. This post is on here because I am super proud of the photo's I took whilst I was there, especially my dragonfly photo, but you'll have to go read the post to see that one!
I really enjoyed taking part in the campaign to raise money for the Alzheimer's Society as it is a charity very close to my heart and something I feel needs more attention! I wrote a post about My Favourite Memories to help raise awareness and money for the charity! A couple of other bloggers joined in too and wrote their own post. There's still time if you want to join in yourself!
The next post is also charity related and one I feel definitely does not have enough attention or awareness! The name is Post Pals and you can find out more about the charity from my original post but basically it's a way to send gifts and letters to children with disabilities and illnesses. It's such a lovely cause and one I fully support!
Last of all is actually the first post I wrote when I restarted my blog! The Self Love Tag was one I really enjoyed writing and I am all about self love and being confident in yourself. This was a lovely tag to do and really made me think about ways to love myself and what makes me happy!
Which posts have been your favourite to write? And read? I'd love to read them so leave a link in the comment section below! Do you like round-up post's like these?
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