Friday, 2 January 2015

New Years Resolutions 2015

Before I get underway with this post, I just want to say I hope you all had a fantastic Christmas and really made the most of the festivities. I hope Santa brought you all the things you deserve and you had a truly magical day! I’ve loved reading peoples ‘what I got for Christmas’ posts and plan to write one myself soon. Also I hope you welcomed 2015 with a smile on your face and a lot of excitement for the year to come. Happy new year to everyone reading this, I hope it’s a good one!

2015 is a scary year for me; I decided that at the end of last year. The second half of 2015 holds a lot of unknowns. I don’t know where I will be living, where I will be working, if I will have enough money or if I will be happy. However I am going to spend the first half of 2015 making sure I am okay with the changes and comfortable with what will happen. 2015 is the year I graduate university and will be the first time since I was three years old that I will not be in education. This scares me a lot. But from now on I am not going to focus on the negatives; I will be focussed on the positives. I am going to find happiness in 2015, let go of the past and (hopefully) become a much more laid back and stress free person.

With that in mind, here are my goals or resolutions for the upcoming year:
  • Blog more – I want to really get my blog going this year, I want to dedicate more time to it and see where this takes me. I love to write and I love taking photos so really this should be a doddle! I need to develop a schedule and become more organised so I feel less stressed when it comes to my blog. Things will be changed around here, for the better!
  • Be more positive – This is pretty self-explanatory. I am definitely a negative person and this effects my mood. I’m going to buy myself a 2015 week-to-view diary and write down three positive things from each day. This will help me to find positive things in all aspects, even when I feel I’ve had a pretty rough day.
  • Say yes more – A simple one on paper but quite a difficult one for me to put into practice. I say no to things more than I say yes and this means I often miss out. I will be saying yes to more nights out, day trips, socialising and general new things.
  • Take more photographs – 2013 was the year I bought myself a DSLR, 2014 was the year I used it about 5 times. 2015 however is going to be the year I understand the controls and learn to take beautiful images. My dad enjoys photography and doesn’t go anywhere without his camera. I am hoping to be more like my dad in that respect and try not to miss and opportunities to build up my skills. Hopefully this will translate over onto the blog with better quality images accompanying blog posts.
  • Wear make-up more – This may seem like a funny one as from the posts I’ve read so far ‘no make up days’ are high on the resolution list for a lot of people. However, I want to learn how to wear makeup properly this year in time for my graduation in July (eeeek) so that I can look and feel great in all of the photos. I want it to be a memorable day for the right reasons, not memorable because I felt gross and uncomfortable the whole day.
  • Become healthier – This means more fruit, more veg and much more water! I am rubbish at eating healthily, the amount of money I have spent on takeaways and junk food is embarrassing and such a waste. Fruit and veg is so much more affordable in the long run and has the obvious added health benefits. I want to reintroduce my juicer into my life and experiment more with homemade juices. It is such an easy way to add good foods to my diet.
  • Lose weight – I know, I know, this is on everyone’s list every single year but this year I mean it. I always enjoy going to the gym and I enjoy nice clothes, what I do not enjoy is feeling unhappy with how I look so this is going to change. I want to lose a stone this year, and although that may sound small to some, it will be a challenge for me.
  • Complete more of my 101 in 1001 – 2015 is the year for adventure, I have already decided this. I want to explore tonnes of new places both in this country and abroad. Luckily this ties in very well with other resolutions (take more photos, say yes more, blog more) as I want to share my adventures with you reading this. There are lots of things on my 101 in 1001 list that I want to complete this year. There will be a post in more detail explaining this but if you are confused as to what I mean, check out my original list here.

This post has been a lot longer than I originally planned it to be but I have really enjoyed sitting and typing this all out and letting my thoughts flow freely from my fingertips. Have you set yourself some resolutions or goals for the year ahead? If you have, share them below! Feel free to leave me links to your new years resolution blog posts in the comments section as I love reading them!


  1. Wishing you all the best for 2015! It sounds like it's going to be a great year for you! Hope your graduation goes really well :) Why not do a photo a day project that will really help you get to know your camera x

    1. Thank you! Same to you, hope this year is good to you! I might try a challenge like that actually, that sounds like a really good idea :) xx

  2. Great post! I love the one about writing down three positive things about each day! I wrote a similar post over on my blog too, I'd love it if you checked it out! ♥

    1. Thank you, i'm hoping writing down the positives helps me to see them more easily :) I'll have a look at your post now :) xx

  3. great resolutions! hope you can stick to them. be more positive was my one last year and i can definitely feel a big different :)

    1. Thank you, me too. I've never stuck with them in the past but I think this year is going to be different. I'm glad it helped you out, it's motivating me to know it works :) xx


I love reading your comments and I will try my best to reply to every one! Don't leave irrelevant links though. Comments containing irrelevant links will be deleted.