Saturday, 13 September 2014

University Tips - Packing for University

I started a little mini-series in August focussed around going to university. So far I have published a movinginto halls of residence tips post and the second post was a money saving atuniversity post. Today I am posting a checklist of what to pack! It’s moving in weekend this weekend for my university but I know some start later so hopefully I’ll still be able to help a few people out! These are going to be things you may have forgotten, not the usual list of pots and pans! 
  • Calendar – This is overlooked but is something you will definitely need. You can write all your deadlines, important lectures, doctors’ appointments etc all on here so everything is in one place.
  • Books/DVDs – Take with you all your feel good films and your favourite books, also new ones you have to read! These are great conversation starters with your new flatmates; they may even have the same film as you! They are also good for times you may feel a little bit homesick as you can just pop on a film or read a book and feel better again.
  • Decorative items – These will help you make your new room feel like a home, somewhere you want to spend your time. I cannot stress enough how important it is to feel ‘at home’ at university. It will help you out so much in all areas of your university life if you have somewhere you feel relaxed and able to unwind. I personally didn’t unpack for a couple of months and once I did I felt so much better about being there!
  • Door stop – Chances are, your bedroom door will not stay open on its own. With this in mind a door stop will be your best friend. It’s so important to have your door open, especially in the first week so that people from your flat are able to pop their heads round and say hi!
  • Camera – A small digital camera comes in really handy anyway, but especially at university as you want to capture all the memories. They are also great to take on unexpected days out. I take my camera everywhere with me!
  • Fairy lights – There doesn’t really need to be an explanation for this one does there? Fairy lights make EVERYTHING cosy and cute!
  • Extension leads – This one is a bit boring but there is never enough plug sockets! Surge protected ones are best so that your electrical items are protected.
  • External hard drive – You can get these pretty cheap these days and they are definitely something worth thinking about. You need to be backing up your work, excuses like ‘my laptop broke’ the day before the deadline won’t cut it at university. If you haven’t got at least two copies, you haven’t done the work!

This is just a small amount of the things you should be taking with you. I know I took so much more than this and filled a campervan with all my boxes! If you have any other things you think I have forgotten (aside from pots, pans, clothes, and other obvious things) leave them in the comments section below!


  1. good list. Completely different to when I was at uni - no laptops, mobile phones, digital cameras. God I feel old! Doorstop, calendar, fairy lights, decorations - all completely necessary! As was (in my halls of residence at least) a spare wooden door to put under the mattress, because all the mattresses were so awful!

    1. A spare door? That sounds crazy! Thanks, I really think these small things will make all the difference!

  2. Good list there, you can't beat having those home comforts around you when not at home. :)

    1. Thank you! These are the things I told my sister to take with her as she's starting first year this year!


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