As part of my
101 in 1001 list I wanted to publish a list of 100 things that make me happy so here goes!
1. French films
2. Receiving packages
3. Christmas shopping
4. Freshly painted toe nails
5. New lipstick
6. Wearing too much mascara
7. Opening presents
8. Day trips
9. Visiting castles
10. Long car rides
11. Being at the beach
12. Making new friends
13. Bath bombs
14. Spending time with my best friend
15. Oversized jumpers
16. Candles burning
17. Fairy lights
18. Having a clean and tidy flat
19. Hot vimto on a cold day
20. Going out for breakfast
21. Crepes with white chocolate
22. Spending the whole day reading a good book
23. Roast dinner, especially Toby Carvery
24. New Converse.
25. Grey, anything grey
26. Doing my sisters hair or make up
27. Christmas decorations
28. When eye liner goes right!
29. Writing lists and ticking things off
30. New mugs
31. Fluffy socks
32. Hearing the children at work giggling
Becky Bedbug's blog. seriously
34. Sunny days
35. Pretty dresses
36. Theme parks
37. Payday
38. Completing my paperwork at work as I have recently been given my own key group! (I work in a nursery).
39. The blanket my mum made me
40. Anything nautical
41. Photo's of lighthouses
42. My boyfriend's voice when he's just woken up
43. Buying pretty notebooks (but never writing in them)
44. Playing Scrabble
45. Buying new books
46. Winning at Trivial Pursuit
47. Vodka and orange
48. Doing nose pore strips (I know, it's gross)
49. Fresh flowers in my flat
50. Counting all the coins from money boxes and sorting them into piles
51. cuddles
52. Going shopping for crafty bits
53. Making wishlists
54. The colour blue
55. Watching people paint on Youtube, especially water colour pictures! I could watch those all day.
56. Going to the theatre
57. Watching dance. I NEED to go to the ballet!
58. Feeding the ducks in the park
59. Flying on aeroplanes. I have literally only done this twice in my life, on the way to and on the way back from
Thassos, Greece but it literally blew my mind!
60. Watching a really good documentary
61. Wrapping presents.
62. All of Kevin Hart's stand up
63. When someone new follows me on Bloglovin
64. Finding a really good blog and binge reading all the posts.
65. Things that are really funny they make me cry but nobody else gets the joke.
66. Reading really bad chat up lines
67. Really good nights out.
68. Planning adventures.
69. The build up to my birthday
70. Bubbles
71. Learning new facts about films I love
72. Everything Wes Anderson.
73. When people tell me about things that made them think of me
74. Really good roast potatoes
75. The word 'adventure'.
76. When we get to do fun things at work like put really big pieces of paper down on the floor and pouring paint on it to let the children walk through it and make footprints, or taking the children for a walk on the field or to the park.
77. Hand written letters
78. When my camera battery is fully charged and I can take photo's straight away.
79. Buying a new onesie, I have quite the collection.
80. Children in fancy dress, especially reindeer costumes at Christmas. Seriously is there anything cuter?
81. Staying in hotels.
82. Looking at holidays online
83. Listening to the rain on a conservatory roof.
84. Remembering I got 100% on an essay I wrote in two days when I had absolutely no confidence in it. First year really was the best.
85. People who make me laugh
86. Making people laugh as well actually.
87. Going to the football with Jordan. This is something I have only just started doing and I really don't understand the game but it's nice to be there for something he really enjoys.
88. Finding a new song that I just love and playing it all the time.
89. Being reminded of songs I loved that I had forgotten about.
90. The number 27.
91. Wearing a really nice outfit.
92. When my dad makes a meat and potato pie.
93. Blogs that have really nice designs.
94. When people spell my last name correctly.
95. When people tell me they are proud of me.
96. When things I've been looking forward to for ages go as I planned them in my head.
97. Taking my make up off and it coming off well.
98. My nose piercing.
99. Sharing a bag of sweets with Jordan.
100. Going on speedboat rides.
This was actually so hard to complete! I got to around 50 and then really struggled to think of the rest. Well done for reaching the end as this is such a long post. Let me know if you have completed a similar list and feel free to link it below in the comments so that I can have a nosy!